Washington Township
Stark County Ohio
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held September 16th, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Employee reports included
Park No report
Zoning Not much to report
Fire 29 runs in September with 359 runs YTD. The purchase order for the AED for the Township Hall was changed from $795.00 to $831.60 after a motion by Boyce and second by Rodgers. The department helped with a couple of items at Washington Elementary school. The Fire Department will attend the Touch a Truck at Butler Rodman Park on September 21st also at the home football games and the annual community day at the school.
Road Patching on Cenfield and Bayton, installed culvert on Cenfield, 2 new speed limit signs on Cenfield and roadside mowing on Anderson, Fox and Rummell. New door openers are installed.
With no comments from visitors’ bills were paid totaling $373,587.88 on a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
With no old business new business was a motion by Wallace to appoint Wayne Wallace as the Township OTARMA pool representative and Merrit Boyce as the alternate, second by Boyce, motion carried. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm. The next regular meeting will be held October 7th at 6:30 pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held September 3rd, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as corrected. Employee reports included,
Park Sprayed for weeds, installed playground mulch, repaired toilets, purchasing 5 new benches and rentals are reserved until mid October. $200 was approved to remove a stump in the front grass after a motion by Boyce and second by Rodgers.
Zoning 3 permits were issued, and a new drop box was approved for $32.99 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
Fire 43 runs in August with 333 runs YTD. Runs included 22 medical, 5 mva, 1 false alarm, 1 cancelled, 3 lift assist, 2 public service, 2 stand by mutual aid, 1 brush fire, 1 unauthorized burning, 1 cooking fire, 1 gas leak, 2 smoke investigation and 1 other. An AED life pack was purchased for the Township Hall for $795.00 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce was approved.
Road Roadside mowing on N. Mahoning, Hartzell, Greenbriar, Herbster, Lynnhaven, E Bayton, Cenfield, Churchill and Kenmore. Cleaned up tree limbs on Rummell, Anderson and Norwood. New Tires on mowing tractor and new salt spreader motors are in. 2 new garage door openers for the road garage for $3,205.00 from Magic Garage door openers including installation was approved after a motion by Wallace and second by Rodgers.
With no comments from visitors’ bills were paid totaling $25,447.46 after a motion by Wallace and second by Rodgers.
With no old or new business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. The next regular meeting will be held September 16th, 2024, at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held August 19th, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as corrected. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park no report
Zoning no permits issued working on several items
Fire 27 calls in August with 313 YTD. $2,000 was approved for C. Robson to attend EMT classes at Stark State, motion by Wallace and second by Boyce. The department will be standing by at a fireworks display and the Ashley White Invitational on 8/31
Road The summer paving program in complete and roadside mowing on S. Mahoning and N. Anderson. Several purchases included a motion by Rodgers for $2.000 to paint 800 ft of Moulin that is in the Township, second by Boyce, motion carried. A motion by Boyce for $600.00 to Great Lakes Tire for 2 front tires for one of the mowing tractors, second by Rodgers, motion carried. And a motion by Wallace for $900.00 to Myers Supply for 3 new salt spreaders for the road trucks, second by Rodgers, motion carried. The road crew also used a jet truck on a culvert on Laramie.
Comments from visitors included Tony Wasik asking about the Proposed Solar Farm in the Township. Bills were then paid totaling $16,788.71 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday September 3rd at 6:30pm this is a change because of the Labor Day Holiday.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held August 6th, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as corrected. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park New mulch is being installed by the playground equipment. Thanks to those who attended the car show and dinner.
Zoning Wallace made a motion to approve sending notices to several landowners that included 12741 Louisville St for debris close to road and skids around the property, 4736 Beechwood Ave for refuse and debris, 6621 Oakhill for trash and debris in the front yard, 14711 Cenfield to mow grass and 6381 Union Ave for vegetation and debris around the house, second by Rodgers, motion carried. Boyce then made a motion to send notices to mow to property owners at 3735 S Union and 3755 S Union, second by Wallace, motion carried.
Fire 37 runs in July and 8 Runs in August with 294 Runs YTD. $1,248.61 was approved for repairs to engine #2 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
Road Installed 18-inch culvert on Cenfield ditching on Cenfield, 2nd roadside mowing has begun and installed new mower blades on one of the mowing tractors. The summer road paving program will begin this week with the work by Shelly Co. A thank you to Ed Cline for walking the roads in the Township cleaning up the trash was made by the Township Trustees.
With no comments from visitors’ bills were then paid totaling $51,707.60 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
With no old business, new business included a motion by Rodgers to approve the Alternative Tax Budget for 2025 as presented by the Fiscal Officer, second by Boyce, motion carried. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm. The next regular meeting will be held August 19th, 2024, at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held July 1st, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park No report
Zoning 3 building permits, 2 pool permits and 1 land split
Fire 40 runs in June with 245 runs YTD. Runs included 17 medical, 4 mva, 2 false alarm, 2 trees down,1 wire down, 2 cancelled, 1 lift assist, 5 public service, 4 mutual aid and 2 open burn. 2 trucks participated in the Akron Children`s Hospital Burn Camp, fire ext. have been serviced, hose testing will be done on July 14th and will have a truck at the car show at the park on July 20th.
Road Electric has been changed at the Township Hall, culvert ordered for Cenfield and mowed the intersection of Cenfield and Beechwood. County will repair culvert on Marlington Ave.
With no comments from visitors, bills were paid totaling $22,834.99 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
With no old or new business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50pm. The next regular meeting will be held July 15 at 6:30pm.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held June 17th 2024 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Employee reports included
Park No report
Zoning 1 permit issued, Wallace then made 3 motions to send notices to property owners at 3394 S. Union for vehicles, 1725 Electon for trash around the property and 1290 Bayton for a shed with no permit, will talk to prosecutors office about shed, second to all three by Rodgers, all motions passed, Boyce then made 2 motions one to notify the property owner at 12017 Easton about debris, vegetation and garbage around the property, and one to find someone to clean up the property at 3116 Ridgehill, the owner has been notified and not complied, the cost will be added to taxes owed at the county, second to both by Rodgers, motions carried.
Fire 21 runs in June with 225runs YTD. The department will take two trucks to the Akron Children`s Hospital Burn Camp on June 27th. 2 members have quit the department because of personal/scheduling reasons
Road The first round of roadside mowing has been completed, ditching on Cenfield, cleaned up stone in parking lot and fixed a stop sign on Anderson. Will be working on a culvert on Marlington.
Comments from visitors included a resident on Cenfield thanking the road department for work done. Bills were then paid totaling $10,847.27 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
Old business was a resolution by Wallace for the Township`s opposition to the application from Stark Solar LLC to build a solar powered electric generating facility in Washington Township, second by Rodgers the vote was Wallace yes, Rodgers yes and Boyce yes resolution Number is 06172406.
New business was a motion by Wallace to change the Township meeting date of August 5th to Tuesday August 6th because of the Ohio Power Siting Board public meeting to be held August 5th at Marlington High School at 5:00pm, second by Boyce, motion carried. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm. The next regular meeting will be held July 1st , 2024 at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held June 3rd, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with trustees Wallace and Boyce present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park Tree down at park, urinal repaired, and rentals are going well.
Zoning 6permits issued and 1 land split.
Fire 23 runs in May with 206 runs YTD. Runs included 10 med, 2 mva, 3 false alarms, 3 trees down, 3 cancelled in route, 1 open burn and smoke investigation. Several other items were discussed.
Road Roadside mowing, the following roads are complete Bayton, Cenfield, Salem Church, N Mahoning, S Mahoning, Greenbriar, Herbster, Frederick, Churchill, Bowman, Devonson and Hartzell.
The backhoe and loader have been serviced and repaired.
Comments from visitors included Janet Moser from the Historical Society reporting on the Flag burning on June 14th and the car show and food at the park on June 15th from 11am till 4pm. Jerry Haynam from the Washington Ruritan Club thanked Tom Schott, Dave Socotch and Craig Pucci for their help installing the new community sign at the park. Tony Wassick and Laura Schmucker commented about the proposed solar farm in the Township. Bills were then paid totaling $34,883.67 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
New business was a motion by Boyce to pay Stubblefield tree service $500 to remove a tree at the playground, second by Wallace, motion carried.
Old business was a motion by Wallace to pay Rodgers Heating to install a new air conditioner in the Administration Building for $9,089.52 using American Rescue Money, second by Boyce, motion carried. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm. The next regular meeting will be held June 17th at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held May 20th, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were also read. Employee reports included.
Park No report
Zoning Wallace made a motion to send a notice to owner of a trailer on Eastmore St. to remove it. Owner lives in Valley View Ohio.
Fire 14 runs in May with 194 runs YTD. The second grade from Washington School will visit the station tomorrow to learn about the equipment and fire safety. Truck 5 is back in service, and the Department will send a truck to the Sebring Fireman`s parade.
Road hand patching on Parks, Queensbury, Hedgewood and Moulin, cleaned up a tree on Bowman, sign work on Churchill, install pipe and cleaned ditch on Oswalt and started 1st summer mowing.
Comments from visitors included Matt Kishman a candidate for State Rep for the 50th district. Janet Moser from the Historical society reporting on the memorial service on May 26th at 2:00pm at the Memorial, flag burning on June 14th and car show on June 15th at the playground. The proposed solar farm was also discussed.
Bills were the paid totaling $13,669.43 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce. Old business was a motion by Wallace to put the Fire Levy on the November ballot, it will generate $162,000.00 a year for 5 years second by Rodgers, motion carried.
New business included the following motions, a resolution to send a notice of intervention to the Ohio Power Siting Board for the proposed solar farm, motion by Wallace, second by Rodgers, the vote was Wallace yes, Rodgers yes and Boyce yes. A motion by Boyce to purchase a new table for the meeting room for $421.19, second by Rodgers, motion carried. Boyce made a motion to appoint Jimmy Jones as our Ad Hoc representative to the Ohio Siting Board, second by Wallace, motion carried. Rodgers also made a motion to change the electric service to the Township Hall, Albright Electric will do the work and road crew will do the digging for $5220.00, second by Boyce, motion carried. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm, the next regular meeting will be on June 3rd at 6:30 pm.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held May 6th, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with Trustees Wallace and Boyce present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. John Pavil from the Stark County Health Department gave a short report about the department. Employee reports included:
Park All pavilions cleaned and ready for summer, mowing, port a potty delivered, and pavilion rentals have started.
Zoning 2 permits issued, 1 house and 1 pool. Wallace made 2 motions 1 for vegetation nuisance at 12017 Easton St and 1 for a not permitted structure at 1290 East Bayton, second by Boyce both motions carried.
Fire 52 runs in April with 186 runs TYD runs included 22 medical, 1 tractor fire, 1 trash fire, 1 stove fire, 1 open burns, 1 cancelled in route, 4 lift assist, 3 mva, 2 gas leaks, 10 odor investigations, 2 public service and 4 false alarms.
Road. Ditching and culvert repair on Bowman, clean up brush and downed tree on Bayton and Mahoning, new snowplow delivered, cleaned up garbage on Hatrzell and the spring cleanup totaled 5 dumpsters of trash and 2 dumpsters of tires. During the cleanup 181 bags of roadside trash was collected by Boy Scout Troop 177, The Mud Lake Beavers 4-H Club, The Stark Jr. Showman 4-H club, Washington Twp. Variety Club and the Ruritan Club.
Comments from visitors included Janet Moser from the Historical Society reporting about putting flags out, the Memorial Service at 2:00pm on May 26, at school if rain, flag burning on June 14th at 6:30pm and the car show on June 15th at the Beechwood Playground from 11-4. A resident also talked about drainage problems on Cenfield, and the proposed solar farm was discussed. Used and worn flags can be dropped off at the Township Hall.
Bills were then paid totaling $35,342.06 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce. Boyce then made a motion for Shelly Co. to do our road paving program totaling $344,000.00, furnish asphalt and gravel and EFCC LLC to furnish limestone, second by Wallace, Motion carried.
Old business showed a motion by Wallace to pay Jerry Haynam $1160.80 for material to install a new sign at Beechwood Playground, second by Boyce, motion carried, The Washington Ruritan Club will install the sign.
New business was a report from Wallace that the County Auditor has certified the amount the 1.25 renewal fire levy will generate at $162,240.00. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm with the next regular meeting to be held May 20 at 6:30 pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held April 15th, 2024, here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Employee reports included.
Park No report
Zoning 1 permit issued, working on several items. Wallace then made a motion to send a notice to remove a mobile home trailer to 7567 Oakhill Ave, second by Boyce, motion carried. Boyce then made two motions to send nuisance complaints to the owner of 3116 Ridgehill to remove trash and remove an abandoned vehicle, second by Rodgers, motion carried.
Fire 28 runs in April with 157 runs YTD. 525 turned out for the annual breakfast, thanks to all who came in support of the dept. Don Morrow then introduced the newest member, Sarah Taranto. Boyce then made 4 motions including repairs to truck #2 for $1,328.75, repairs to truck #5 for $1,623.75, new locks for doors on fire station for $1.800.00 and for dispatching with the city of Alliance at $1,119.75 per month Rodgers seconded all with all being approved.
Road Sign work on Churchill, Herbster and Devonson, cleaned out culverts and grates, cleaned up the property and mowed and approx. 450 tons of road salt in in storage.
During comments from visitors the Historical Society announced the following dates May 19th to put out flags in the cemeteries, May 26th the Memorial Day service at 2:00 pm, June 14th flag burning and June 15th for the annual car show at Beechwood Park. There was also discussion about the proposed solar farm.
Bills were then paid totaling $22,907.92 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
With no old business new business included a resolution by Wallace to request the Stark County Auditor to certify the current tax valuation for Washington Township and total dollar amount that would be generated by a renewal of a 1.25 mill levy foe a period of 5 years commencing with tax year 2025 and first collected in 2026, for the benefit of the Washington Township Fire Department, second by Boyce. The vote was Wallace Yes, Rodgers Yes and Boyce Yes.
Bids were then opened for the summer road program of paving and supplies, on a motion by Boyce the bids were tabled and given to Road superintendent Bud Mohr to look at and bring a recommendation to the next meeting. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm with the next regular meeting to be held May6th 2024 at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held April 1st 2024 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Employee reports included
Park Getting park ready for summer.
Zoning 1 permit issued, 7 inquires and 2 property conditions checked
Fire 39 runs in March with 128 runs YTD. Runs included 1 structure fire, 1 vehicle fire, 22 medical, 6 mva, 1 lift assist, 1 odor investigation, 4 false alarm, 2 public service and 1 steam mistaken for smoke. The fireman`s breakfast is April 7th from 8 till 1. Asst. chief Morrow introduced Carrie Main as a new member of the department. Wallace then made a motion to pay $795.00 in grant writing fees, second by Rodgers, motion carried.
Road Ordered 150 ton of road salt, worked on the old salt shed and worked on old signs.
Comments from visitors included comments about the proposed solar farm Wallace then made a motion that read The Washington Township Trustees are in opposition of the solar farm and will be submitting a resolution to The Ohio Sitting Board at a later date, with reasons the Trustees oppose the solar farm, second by Rodgers, motion carried.
Bills were then paid totaling $26,514.30 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce. Old business was a motion by Wallace to accept the amended certificate from the Stark County Budget Commission for $2,326,324.91, second by Boyce, motion carried.
New business included a motion by Boyce to pay $495.00 to Sedgwick for our workers comp group rating, second by Rodgers, motion carried. Also, a motion by Boyce to pay 2024 dues of $250.00 to Stark County Regional Planning, second by Wallace, motion carried. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm with the next regular meeting to be held April 15th 2024 at 6:30 pm here at the Township Hall
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held March 18th, 2024 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park Park is open, a motion by Boyce to purchase playground mulch from Game Time for $2040.00 was approved after a second by Rodgers.
Zoning working on several new items.
Fire 21 runs in March with 110 runs YTD. Annual breakfast April 7th 2024 from 8am till 1 pm. Motion for new gear room door and misc. hardware for doors in the station totaling $1,435.00 approved after a motion by Wallace and second by Rodgers. Wallace also made a motion to approve two physicals for new fire personnel at Ault Works totaling $522.00, second by Boyce, motion carried.
Road Repaired ceiling in road garage, installed grindings on Daniel St for a catch basin, hauled stone for Foxdale and heater is complete at road garage, the amount of road salt on hand and to be ordered was discussed and a motion by Wallace to advertise for bids for the summer road program, bids due by April 15th at noon and opened same day at 7pm during the Trustee meeting approx. 4 miles of roads will be paved this year, second by Boyce , motion carried.
Comments from visitors were about the proposed solar farm in the Township. Bills were then paid totaling $14,376.93 after a motion to approve by Wallace and second by Boyce.
Old business was a discussion about a new community sign the Washington Ruritan Club is going to build at the Beechwood Playground. The township will pay for material and Ruritans will provide the labor.
New business was a motion by Wallace to have Buds porta-potty furnish the port a jon at the park from April till October price will be $158.78 for the first month and $148.78 per month for the balance of time, second by Rodgers, motion carried. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm, the next regular meeting will be April 1st 2024 at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held March 4th, 2024 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park Park is open for the summer
Zoning 1 permit issued for a shed, granted a variance on Union Ave. and working on several questions
Fire 35 runs in February with 96 runs YTD. Chief Cobb reported there is a burn ban in effect from 6am until 6pm, no outside burning at all allowed. 2 home inspections were done. A motion for $683.00 to McNeil and Co. for accident and health insurance for the department was approved after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce. Also, a motion for $1988.45 to MES for service on the SCBA equipment was approved after a motion by Wallace and second by Rodgers.
Road Stop signs installed on Anderson and Hartzell, washed and serviced the 2 road trucks, new electric panel is installed and the hanging tree limb on Norwood has been taken down.
Comments from visitors included questions about the proposed solar farm. Bills were then paid totaling $23,671.79 after a motion and second by Wallace and Boyce.
Old business was a motion to hold our annual spring cleanup on April 26th from noon until 5pm and April 27th from 8am until noon, Kimble will be the trash hauler and 10 tires per township family will be accepted, motion by Boyce, second by Rodgers, motion carried. Resolution #03042405 was approved stating the Township Trustees are for prohibiting the construction of and wind or solar farm in the future in the Township, resolution will be sent to The Stark County Commissioners, motion to approve by Wallace second by Rodgers the vote was Wallace yes Rodgers yes and Boyce Yes. Also, resolution #03042404 prohibiting adult use cannabis operators within the territory of Washington Township pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3780.25[A]. The vote was Wallace yes Rodgers yes and Boyce yes.
New business was a motion to approve $390.00 to Ohio Township Assoc. for 2024 dues for 3 Trustees 1 Fiscal Office and 2 Road dept employees. Motion by Boyce second by Rodgers, motion carried.
With no other business the meeting was adjourned ay 7:20pm. The next regular meeting will be held March 18th 2024 at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held February 19th 2024 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park No report
Zoning One permit issued and several items discussed
Fire 26 runs in February with 80 runs YTD. New fire department members Carrie Robson and Sarah Taranto were approved by the Trustees after a motion and second by Rodgers and Boyce was approved. $1545.00 was approved for payment to Howell Rescue to maintain the Genesis equipment, motion by Wallace and second by Rodgers.
Road Snow and ice control, ditching on Lynnhaven, Herbster, Salem Church west and Hartzell and hand patching on Bowman and Bayton. Randy Rodgers and Merrit Boyce were approved to join the Board of Directors of the cue-cog salt program which the township is joining, motion by Wallace and second by Boyce. $2100 to Albright Electric to replace the panel in the road garage and run a new line for the Heater in the back room was approved after a motion by Rodgers and second by Boyce.
Comments from visitors included several about the proposed solar farm, Stark County Commissioner Bill Smith was in attendance and answered several questions for the Commissioners. A question was asked about stop signs at Anderson and Rt 153, the road department will install new signs as needed.
Bills were then paid totaling $14,402.34 after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce. With no old business new business included Trustee Wallace reporting on several items the Trustees are working on and will be discussed at the next meeting. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm with the next regular meeting to be held March 4th at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held February 5th, 2024 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were also read. Employee reports included
Park No report
Zoning On a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce a notice to remove a travel trailer was sent to the property owner at 7567 Oakhill Ave. Trash at another residence was also discussed.
Fire 54 runs in January with 65 runs YTD. Runs included 1 structure fire, 1 vehicle fire, 30 ems calls, 4 mva, 1 overheated motor, 7 trees/wires down, 1 public service, 1 lift assist, 3 cancelled enroute, 1 no emergency found and 4 false alarms. It was reported the annual fireman`s breakfast will be held April 7th from 8am until 1 pm. $988.05 to D&T, P.M. truck repair for repairs to truck #5 was approved after a motion by Wallace and second by Boyce.
Road Snow and ice control, back of garage cleaned out and insulation installed and ordered 150 ton of road salt from Cargill. The salt program was then discussed and we will join the CUE COG group for our winter salt, $250 to join but should save the Township $2000 to $3000 a year for the cost of salt, motion to join by Wallace, second by Rodgers, motion carried.
Comments from visitors included several people talking about the proposed solar farm in the Township. Boyce then made a resolution stating the Washington Township Trustees oppose the proposed solar farm in Washington Township/Stark County. In addition, the Trustees will request a legally written resolution from the Stark County Prosecutors office to that affect, the resolution will be submitted to OPSB and the Stark County Commissioners. The vote was Rodgers yes, Boyce yes, and Wallace abstain. Resolution Number is 02052403.
Bills were then paid totaling $62,017.31 after a motion and second by Wallace and Boyce. With no old business new business included a motion to renew our site sewage treatment system for $40.00 with the Stark County Health Department, motion by Boyce, second by Rodgers, motion carried. A new mat for the frond door will be purchased from Uline for $160.00, motion to approve by Boyce, second by Rodgers, motion carried. 4 Township employees will attend the Government Law Seminar on March 2nd, 2024 price is $27.00 each, motion to approve by Wallace, second by Boyce, motion carried. A resolution by Wallace and second by Rodgers to approve John Sabo to the county 9-1-1 program review committee was approved after a yes vote by the Township Trustees. Resolution number 02052407. With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. The next regular meeting will be held February 19th 2024 at 6:30pm here at the Township Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held January 2rd, 2023 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Wallace, roll was called with all trustees present. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved.
Park No report
Zoning items were discussed
Fire 40 runs in December with 493 total runs for the year. Runs included 34 medicals, 1 spill,
1 accident, 1 public service, 1 cancelled in route and 1 false alarm.
Road Snow and ice control, ditching and cleaned equipment, a new snow plow was purchased from The Glen Hill Co. for $12,097.88 using American Rescue Money motion by Wallace, second by Rodgers, motion carried. This plow will replace a plow that is approximately 30 years old.
Comments from visitors included questions about the proposed solar farm. Samsung will hold a meeting on January 17th from 6pm to 8 pm at Washington School, Samsung will give a report followed by a question-and-answer period.
Bills were then paid totaling $327,310.95 after a motion to approve by Wallace and second by Boyce.
The meeting was then adjourned at 7:05 pm with the next regular meeting to be held January 15th 2024 here at the township hall.
Minutes of the organizational meeting of The Washington Township Trustees held January 2nd, 2024 here at The Township Administration Building.
The meeting was called to order by President Boyce, roll was called with all trustees present.
The trustees then held an election of officers for 2024, Wayne Wallace is the president for 2024 and Randy Rodgers is Vice President. Meeting dates for 2024 will be the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.
Craig Cobb was reappointed fire chief and Don Morrow was reappointed assistant Fire Chief, compensation for the volunteer fire fighters was also set. Park board and Zoning board members will be paid $50 per year.
Paul Mohr will be road superintendent and Scott Zurbrugg the road crew, Kim Knam will be Township secretary, Travis Keller was reappointed Park Manager. Steve Lacher was reappointed the Zoning Inspector. All employees received a pay increase for 2024.
The employment policy was read with 11 holidays paid, vacations were set with 1 week after 1 year of service, 2 weeks after 2 years of service and 3 weeks after 8 years for service. Full time employees will pay 10 percent of their health insurance and the Township will pay their deductible.
Bonding was also set to use “the employee dishonesty and faithful performance of duty” through OTARMA.
Bruce Bowman was reappointed to the Zoning Board and CJ Stantz was appointed to the zoning board and Steve Yarian was reappointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Craig Cobb, Wade Main, Jason Hunt, Merrit Boyce and Jimmy Jones will be on the Volunteer Fireman Dependency Board.
Permanent Appropriations totaling $2,321,234.92 were approved after a motion by Boyce and second by Rodgers. Huntington Bank will be depository of Township Funds thru December 29th, 2028.
Trustees will pay the Washington Ruritans for manning the monthly cleanup dumpster and maintaining the recycle bins, contract with The Stark County Engineers office for road salt and Kimble Co. for dumpster service.
Boyce will be the designated representative to RPC, Wallace to SCOG and Rodgers to Stark County Health Board. All action taken today will be in effect until the organizational meeting for 2025.